We lived in during an extensive downstairs remodel. Put basically everything downstairs in storage, builders did their best with the dust, but it was grim. Microwave meals eaten in bed for what felt like forever. Not really much fun and next time I'd go somewhere else (local) for the duration. I did a lot of wfh though (office oasis, good headphones on) and did enjoy being on site for the fussier details as I was sort of making it up as I went along. Builder appreciated the contact.
Potentially having a lot of internal work done around the whole house, including removal of walls and inserting of RSJs, completely new kitchen, new radiators around the house, new skirting-board in every room etc. Estimate was 3-4 weeks, which I think is fairly optimistic, but what do I know.
Builder asked if we'd be living there during the works, and seemed to suggest we'd be ok for most of it, but I'm wondering if it is better for everyone (me, wife, 3 year old) if we put as much stuff as we can into storage and go on holiday with relatives for some of it and stay in a local airbnb for the rest and just let them get on with it and not try and live through it.
If someone has done this and has any useful learnings, please do share.