• #13252
We're going to have to agree to disagree on that one. I guess it probably helps that I am total scum.
• #13253
I dislike that song.
• #13254
Blur 4 lyf
• #13255
1995: Oasis or Blur was the choice because you hadn’t discovered The Gentle People.
• #13256
Oasis was a time and place thing. And if you were already old in 1995, it was the wrong time.
• #13257
'As an engineer'. No other professional (except for perhaps motherhood) feels the need to prefix their opinions with such a qualification and it always precedes some absolute bullshit.
• #13258
How about "as a parent"?
• #13259
“they weren’t even the best Beatles tribute band in the Beatl~~” uh (some help here please?).
• #13260
Oasis fans.
• #13261
Given the grubby and cack-handed Jungle I was listening to back then, I am in no position to comment on what was good music in that era.
• #13262
People who think their tastes in any kind of art form are superior to others.
• #13263
Brian Sewell.
• #13264
Any list of great novels with Thomas Pynchon on it can fuck off.
• #13265
Lol. I believe the expression we are looking for is “hoisted by your own petard”.
• #13266
People who think they're superior in any way really... 😂😂😂
• #13267
What if you genuinely are a massive legend with excellent taste though? (Asking for a friend).
• #13268
Thanks for asking on my behalf
• #13269
I've been guilty of spouting off like a massive prick on many occasions, and always when I'm drunk... I reckon it's okay to be a massive gobshite in that situation, because drunk, innit...
Silently knowing someone is wrong is reward enough... 😂😂😂#rawpowerisabetterlpthanfunhouse
• #13270
er yeah. That's fucking obvious.
• #13271
Not amongst my know-it-all mates... Trust...
• #13272
Supersonic is a massive banger and I won't hear otherwise.
Agree with Chalfie on the rest though.
• #13273
what next, #iggypopbetterthaniggyazelea?
• #13274
I'm just an old white guy, my opinion is irrelevant...
• #13275
TV Eye Live 1977 tho. The one with David Bowie in the background, and probably shagging each other between songs
Which is why it's shit