A few weeks back I noticed that the gap between the skirting board and the floorboards in one corner of our living room has suddenly increased by about a cm or so. Crawling down underneath the floor I can see that one of the joists has rotted, probably from rain water running down from one of the air bricks. The joist that sits on top and is holding that part of the floor up has dropped slightly as the rotted one has compressed below.
I’m thinking some of the floorboards will need to come up and then the rotten joist replaced but it will be awkward given its under a supporting wall. So definitely beyond my DIY skill level.
Can anyone recommend a suitable builder around SE London?
A few weeks back I noticed that the gap between the skirting board and the floorboards in one corner of our living room has suddenly increased by about a cm or so. Crawling down underneath the floor I can see that one of the joists has rotted, probably from rain water running down from one of the air bricks. The joist that sits on top and is holding that part of the floor up has dropped slightly as the rotted one has compressed below.
I’m thinking some of the floorboards will need to come up and then the rotten joist replaced but it will be awkward given its under a supporting wall. So definitely beyond my DIY skill level.
Can anyone recommend a suitable builder around SE London?