Having properly caught the bug I found this really lovely Gianni Motta Personal, a fantastic 80s frame which is particularly pretty. You can just about see in the second picture that the seatstays are beautifully curved around the wheel and brake bridge. This is built up with Potenza and Zonda wheels, it now has Look pedals too. It is lovely to ride and now lives in the very hilly Welsh countryside where I ride it when I can get out of London.
Having properly caught the bug I found this really lovely Gianni Motta Personal, a fantastic 80s frame which is particularly pretty. You can just about see in the second picture that the seatstays are beautifully curved around the wheel and brake bridge. This is built up with Potenza and Zonda wheels, it now has Look pedals too. It is lovely to ride and now lives in the very hilly Welsh countryside where I ride it when I can get out of London.
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