I had a Surly midnight special that took a 650x2.25 mtb tyre. It was brilliant fun.
And now I have a Cinelli King Zydeco. Also great but I think the 650x2.0 tyres fitted are as wide as I'd want to go on it. The 2.25" tyres did fit, but with fag paper clearance that wouldn't have worked in UK conditions.
The WTB tyre? I've spent a bit of time on them. They're pretty good, up until the kind of conditions you'd need a dedicated loose/mud tyre like a Vigilante or Magic Mary.
I had a Surly midnight special that took a 650x2.25 mtb tyre. It was brilliant fun.
And now I have a Cinelli King Zydeco. Also great but I think the 650x2.0 tyres fitted are as wide as I'd want to go on it. The 2.25" tyres did fit, but with fag paper clearance that wouldn't have worked in UK conditions.