I don't know either. I've always used normal patches, but sometimes they are too flexible so they get pushed through the hole and re-puncture. Maybe TL patches are stiffer.
Some people cut a bit off an old tyre, which should be stiff enough.
But if you are patching, you need a track pump or compressor to reinflate. CO2 might work, but you only get 1 shot per canister you are carrying.
The other thing to think about is Dyno Plugs. They are a bit expensive but meant to be better than the standard anchovy/worms http://www.dynaplug.com/bike.html
Interesting. I did try the GP5000s but they were the most bastard tyres I have ever tried to put on a rim. I actually broke a rim putting them on. It might be my rims, but there is no way I could use them as I could never re-mount them in the field.
I don't know either. I've always used normal patches, but sometimes they are too flexible so they get pushed through the hole and re-puncture. Maybe TL patches are stiffer.
Some people cut a bit off an old tyre, which should be stiff enough.
But if you are patching, you need a track pump or compressor to reinflate. CO2 might work, but you only get 1 shot per canister you are carrying.
The other thing to think about is Dyno Plugs. They are a bit expensive but meant to be better than the standard anchovy/worms