What do people do about dogs going for them while running?
Stop running. Often they are just excited and they will easily outrun you anyway. It's a pain in the arse if you're doing an interval session or smashing that Strava segment but mostly they will lose interest. Most dogs will give you a sniff and leave you alone. Even that is too much tbh, some people are terrified of dogs so whilst I don't mind personally being sniffed I mind the fact the the owners let it happen.
"relax mate she's friendly"
"Yeah but I'm not!"
I think you're entitled to defend yourself if you feel threatened and I have shoved dogs away before, sometimes with my foot. Talking loudly to the dog expressing your displeasure makes it clear to the owner you're not happy with the situation without having to confront them directly if you don't feel like an argument.
Blame the owner. Dogs can be trained to behave appropriately (non-aggressive) but people are lazy and inconsiderate or just don't get that your fluffy wuffy might not be everyone's cup of tea.In before "but I've got a dog and she's well trained" - there are lots of well trained dogs and good owners out there too. As with everything it's the bad ones that stand out, giving everyone a bad name.
What do people do about dogs going for them while running? I had to give one of three Jack Russells a serious kick to the head this morning, which sent it scurrying off in the opposite direction. I'm not proud of it, but the dog was off the lead, coming for me with teeth, and the owner was giving it the usual "relax mate she's friendly" line, seemingly blind to the situation unfolding. That breed in particular seem to be quite aggressive for their size.