• #2
I always have this with Sidi shoes, I just cut the middle perforation - I never considered that might be the exact reason they are there!
• #3
I always use high arch insoles (super feet-green) in all my cycling shoes in order to equalize the pressure on the top of my feet from the buckles..
• #4
+1 for superfeet, sidi insoles are shite
• #5
Thanks all – I will definitely look at getting some Superfeet, and get the scissors out...
I picked up a pair of SIDI Trace shoes last year (the last of the old line, not the new Trace 2) and the fit seems pretty spot-on apart from one annoying detail. When the main strap is tightened I get a slight pinch/rubbing of the tongue part and main strap edge against the top of my foot, no matter how diligently I pull on the tongue while tightening them up. Backing off the main strap eases this slightly but it never quite goes away. It's like the main strap needs to be 5mm or so further away from the opening of the shoe. Is this what snipping the perforations in the tongue is meant to alleviate? Any advice on how to improve this point of comfort would be much appreciated. Cheers!
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