Its the handling of rangefinders I absolutely love and back when film wasn't soo expensive I shot exclusively film for a long time, including scanning it myself.
I got so comfy with my xpro one I was reluctant to sell it.
Now the xpro 3 is here I'm beginning to feel the same. Although I could probably do with just a strap to hold it. I see that Flickr is now offering a £25 voucher code with pro memberships, which means I could pick up their strap relatively cheap.
Can’t remember how many rolls of film I used to shoot, it was shedloads though. Over the few years I had the M6ttl (and before that, CL, M2, IIIc, Standard) gotta say I loved what I got from the lenses. Pretty sure the DR Summicron was the best/heaviest 50 I owned. The CL and it’s stupidly small summicron-c wasn’t the sharpest but definitely went more exciting places like nights out.
Problem with the M’s is they’re heavy, and once upon a time their size was compact for what they offer. I got bored of the weight of the camera and lenses, especially if I didn’t shoot any photos for days on end. I’m trying to talk myself out of missing it.
But still, when you have any M camera, they are a joy to use. If you have a good one it feels silky and amazing. If you have a bad one, it’s probably because you’ve been using it properly.