Off the shelf fillings or diy? I'll dig out some tofu options later but BBQ jackfruit is pretty easy (skip the mango salsa in a wrap and add rice, lettuce etc.)
Curried or baked chickpeas are easy enough, falafels and other patties if you're feeling fancy.
Falafel and Hummus with some green stuff. Gosh! do a big range of 'bites' with different flavours. I'm mostly a fan of the Original Falafel but there's lots of differen't things and flavours to try out.
edit: a full list under 'bites' here https://www.goshfood.com/our-range/
We eat wraps 2-3 times a week and tend to eat combinations of the following..
Mexican black beans (home made) or refried beans (Gran Luchito Chipotle)
Guacamole or just smashed avo
Tofu or Quorn
Mushrooms, peppers, aubergine, carrots, tenderstem broccoli - griddled or roasted in a spice mix
Finely chopped spinach and or kale
Chili vegan mayo + spicy sauce as the base
Anyone got suggestions for good stuff to put in a wrap? I'm fed up of the same few things for lunch every day!