Roger Hallam may have been one of the people who started XR but he certainly doesn't represent it in its entirety. It is very clearly a non hierarchical group and he hardly holds sway on all tactics and actions. He's one guy, clearly a bit of a loon who has some questionable opinions on the holocaust.
XR will continue to fight against the trend for global ecocide with or without Roger Hallam
Noting that more and more people are claiming to be XR spokesmen but aren't anything more that self serving psycho/sociopath attention seekers that jump on any bandwagon that gives them the attention that they grave.
Is there any point in discussing Hallam's comments?
Roger Hallam may have been one of the people who started XR but he certainly doesn't represent it in its entirety. It is very clearly a non hierarchical group and he hardly holds sway on all tactics and actions. He's one guy, clearly a bit of a loon who has some questionable opinions on the holocaust.
XR will continue to fight against the trend for global ecocide with or without Roger Hallam