That's pretty interesting. In a horrific kinda way. I've never gone looking for footage or imagery from inside a slaughterhouse but I know it's out there and I'm sure my many meat-eating people wouldn't be able to stomach it. The effect on the people working in these environments must be pretty awful.
When I was about 10 me and a group of kids I knew were hanging around outside an abbatoir in our town, just kicking around in the summer holidays, on the embankment overlooking the site.
We got noticed by a couple of slaughtermen and got invited in to watch them electrocute pigs. Obviously morbid curiosity got the better of us, and I guess a bit of peer pressure.
It's never left me, the sight of pigs still kicking from the electrocution being hooked up and slit open. Utterly horrible. The sense of fear in the animals was fucking palpable.
Fucking grim. That article illustrates just how damaged people who work in those places become - to the extent that they'd invite kids in to see that sort of horrific brutality. Genuinely sorry you had to see that, and to live in Scotland.
When I was about 10 me and a group of kids I knew were hanging around outside an abbatoir in our town, just kicking around in the summer holidays, on the embankment overlooking the site.
We got noticed by a couple of slaughtermen and got invited in to watch them electrocute pigs. Obviously morbid curiosity got the better of us, and I guess a bit of peer pressure.
It's never left me, the sight of pigs still kicking from the electrocution being hooked up and slit open. Utterly horrible. The sense of fear in the animals was fucking palpable.
Sorry to be graphic.