Thanks all. Just coming back to this now. My son insisted on hand tools so I spent all afternoon sawing the straightest lines I could muster while he watched, eyes inches from the teeth.
Walls are pissed. I measured far corners and near corners of alcove. Not the bit in between. They all fit but the border looks like a lava lamp. Same thing as the last house - had forgotten why I don't like making shelves.
Going to have a clear out and see if I can make a small workshop for stuff that doesn't rely on shit plaster. I made a lovely table we get tons of use out of a couple of years ago by hand. Would like to dabble at more stuff as boyo gets older/gets easier.
Thanks all. Just coming back to this now. My son insisted on hand tools so I spent all afternoon sawing the straightest lines I could muster while he watched, eyes inches from the teeth.
Walls are pissed. I measured far corners and near corners of alcove. Not the bit in between. They all fit but the border looks like a lava lamp. Same thing as the last house - had forgotten why I don't like making shelves.
Going to have a clear out and see if I can make a small workshop for stuff that doesn't rely on shit plaster. I made a lovely table we get tons of use out of a couple of years ago by hand. Would like to dabble at more stuff as boyo gets older/gets easier.