• Anyone got any tips on how we can stop Ollie jumping and chasing joggers, It seems to be random on who he does this to. I've been out running with him and he's been fine not jumping up at me and just doing his thing. It's only started in the last few weeks and I can't think of anything that would have set this off. When we were training him we would sit at the cafe and watch the park runners so it's not something new to him.

  • My dog used to go mental when let out of the back door hoping to get to the trees and squirrels at the end of the garden. He would screech to a halt from top speed and end with a flourish of a loud bark. This was every fucking time so I got an empty water bottle and put a handful of pea shingle in it. I hid up the end of the garden and signalled to my wife to unleash the dog of war. As he arrived in a spray of topsoil and before the bark I threw the rattly bottle hard onto the ground in front of him and shouted NO!
    It stopped him in his tracks and he hasn't done it since. I only did it once and it was something I'd seen Cesar Millan do to prevent a dog barking at passing dogs at the end of a garden. I'm no expert and people always have different views but your issue could be expensive if it develops into biting or tripping a runner.
    Ideally Ollie needs to have had a good walk/run or whatever so that he's not over excited to start with. I wonder if you could get someone Ollie doesn't know to run back and forth near the pair of you using a leash and do the bottle and shout trick if required. If he's getting too interested take him in the opposite direction and do something else for a minute. If he's not reacting badly to the runner divert his attention before he does and give him a toy/ball/treat. Give him enough slack to be able to react to the runner if he is going to and try and combine bottle, shout and sufficient leash tensioning to keep him from contacting the runner if he does leap. If the runner can try not to react and you keep your attack dog under control it might just work. Reward good behaviour, bad behaviour means you walk him off and away from what he wants to do. Best of luck however you approach it.


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