They haven't needed truing since I built them a few months back, and have been subjected to the rigours of a typical London commute, plus a couple of other rides further afield. I should also confess that I have pretty much no idea what I'm doing as far as wheelbuilding goes, apart from having read Jobst.
Spocalc told me the required difference in length between the two sides was negligible, so I used 292mm for both. 3x.
My suspicion is that rim and build quality will be much greater determinants of performance and longevity than any offset in the rim bed, and that therefore these rims will be absolutely fine for your purposes. The difference in tension between the two sides for my build is much less than you would find with a typical dished road build.
But there will be people in the wheelbuilding thread who will be able to give you a more expert opinion. Paging @mdcc_tester
I have done this (asymmetric Kinlins to Mack track hubs) and not died. Marginal difference in tension between the two sides but not dramatic.