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  • Sorry for slow reply! Haven’t really been on the vegan thread lately!
    Recently has been a lot of baked tofu(rolled in ginger and nutritional yeast) stir frys and soups.
    Stews with spelted grains and a really good jackfruit and quinoa bake. I fucking hate jackfruit and this was the breakthrough dish for me.

    In dirty vegan food news me and LadyLiz are currently in SE Australia, aside from dodging bushfires left, right and centre we’ve eaten damn well here so far. There was a Lord of the Fries on almost every street corner which I presume is the model Temple of Seitan was built on. Big Asian community also meant endless pho, sushi and noodle options. Sadly we didn’t have time to go to Loving Hut so will have to return one day to keep ticking them off around the world...
    Yesterday we drove from Melbourne all the way to Paynesville. Our only option mid-drive was the new vegan Whopper from BurgerKing(well, it’s called Hungry Jacks here), obviously I wouldn’t normally give such a scummy company my money any more but I can confirm it was edible at least by the standards of takeaway food. Having never eaten a Whopper before going vegan I have no frame of reference. At a guess it’s the beyond meat patty but could be their own version.

    Will get back on the cooking a recipe tip once we’re back home.
