Bleh, the hub shouldn’t need too much doing to it to get it back in check. A couple of back to basics things:
-what lube is in it? It wants a thin oil like engine oil or 3-in-1. Not grease, don’t pack it with grease. If there’s an oil port in the barrel, squirt in about a tablespoon of oil, else put the bike on its side, undo the adjuster chain and take it out and put the oil in the hole in the axle. The oil will work its way round and clear the crud off the surfaces, then it all starts shifting better. Expect it to leak, this is normal.
-it’s usually 3rd or 1st it’ll struggle to stay in, if it’s a bit crudded up. Running it for a bit with plenty of fresh oil in usually clears it.
-setting gear adjustment: slack chain it ought to be in 3rd. The cable wants to be just slack with the shifter in 3rd. In 1st it wants to be just pulling tight at the limit of travel at the other end and 2nd is really determined by the shifter indexing position. Too tight and it won’t drop into 3rd, too slack and it won’t pull all the way into 1st. 2nd should be your sweet spot. You can only really check if it’s engaged properly by really standing on the pedals, so expect a whack in the shins when trying it.
-Is the shifter indexing ok or a bit vague/worn?
Bleh, the hub shouldn’t need too much doing to it to get it back in check. A couple of back to basics things:
-what lube is in it? It wants a thin oil like engine oil or 3-in-1. Not grease, don’t pack it with grease. If there’s an oil port in the barrel, squirt in about a tablespoon of oil, else put the bike on its side, undo the adjuster chain and take it out and put the oil in the hole in the axle. The oil will work its way round and clear the crud off the surfaces, then it all starts shifting better. Expect it to leak, this is normal.
-it’s usually 3rd or 1st it’ll struggle to stay in, if it’s a bit crudded up. Running it for a bit with plenty of fresh oil in usually clears it.
-setting gear adjustment: slack chain it ought to be in 3rd. The cable wants to be just slack with the shifter in 3rd. In 1st it wants to be just pulling tight at the limit of travel at the other end and 2nd is really determined by the shifter indexing position. Too tight and it won’t drop into 3rd, too slack and it won’t pull all the way into 1st. 2nd should be your sweet spot. You can only really check if it’s engaged properly by really standing on the pedals, so expect a whack in the shins when trying it.
-Is the shifter indexing ok or a bit vague/worn?