Cheers, it’s a Seiko 6138-8000, known as the ‘Jumbo’. Picked it up for a few hundred at a fair, nice examples are £500-600 and climbing as people realise you get a lot for your money. Same with the bullhead and ‘Kakume’ (Square eyes) variants, so good in the flesh.
As with all vintage chronographs it’s the servicing that’ll hurt.https://www.60clicks.com/seiko-6138-chronograph-collectors-guide/
As above I’d only use polywatch/autosol/toothpaste on an acrylic crystal, having said that I’ve never tried on a mineral glass. However I did recently have a go at the gouges on my Seiko Jumbo (mineral) by working my way up from 1000 to 7000 grit wet & dry paper, not perfect but a damn sight better.