I agree the feeling of powerlessness doesn't help anybody. Being depressed is also pointless as you then have no energy to help. And 100+ if people moan and do nothing, that is super annoying.
Misunderstood your post there.
And no I don't think a lot of people are hateful bigots, but they clearly didn't care too much either as after 10 years of austerity and 3 years of bigotry it was pretty hard to miss.
All nuance went out of the window, and I find it interesting people getting judged for not caring within caring groups, while others just fell for a pack of lies, but that's life I guess.
Hopefully all pulling together on the NHS/climate/homelessness will unite people?
Just find it hard to believe atm the leopard face eating party is going vegan cos it said it would :)
The only way I can cope atm is seeing this as a salvage operation, with extreme low expectations while misery gets worse. But every person helped and everyone decision changed it one I guess...
I’m not saying people shouldn’t feel sad or bad. I’m genuinely livid and really upset about it, but that feeling of powerlessness has to be overcome. And I also can’t stand the thought of a decade of my own personal angst, depression and anxiety hence trying to find some solutions.
I’m just a bit fed up with loads of my own friends and family blaming or pointing fingers then shrugging shoulders when you suggest they try and change something they can see. Perhaps I was too strong but I’ve had a few messages calling people racist, thick, stupid etc that makes me frustrated as I genuinely don’t think this is the case. Tories just won by a landslide, I don’t think everyone who voted is a hateful bigot (though some are!), so I guess I’m turning into a full, loved up centrist dad without the kids (think of the carbon footprint!) and want to grasp onto a bit of hope for some change.