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  • Nope, no idea what the new ones are like but I can't imagine they've suddenly become bean-brining barista boner beckoners. It's more a case of me preferring to buy used stuff for much less money than new stuff. Do you really want to stick £200 into the pocket of a company when you could use that to nab a good grinder or buy fuckloads of coffee or.. you get the idea.

  • Yeah fair point well made. 9/10 I’d have made that same decision already - all my bikes are 2nd hand for example.

    Was more wondering about any empirical arguments of one machine over the other or any overall reasons to buy a machine new over a used one. Warranty is the main one but they’re so repairable and parts are so readily available it doesn’t seem like such an issue which is unusual for a modern item. Gaggia UK will even do a full service for £85... if I did that I’d still be spending half what the new machine would cost.

  • I think you've answered your own question.

    I mean, maybe with a small shove towards the cliff edge... ;)

  • A used Rancilio Silvia would be an even better idea, not that there’s any on eBay right now, sometimes there’s loads. They’re just really nice quality next to a Gaggia Classic.
