Not pictured: 12 hours of having my head stuck in a fireplace. The cloud of shite that covered me when the closure board came off is one of the most disgusting things I've ever experienced. Also not pictured: the small fan I bodged into the flue to try and get a draught going so I didn't get too much cancer from the lime/cement/HCl fumes.
That's some serious reconstruction! Nice job on the stove too. What's that, like, 8 kW? We looked for second hand as well but couldn't find any suitable and wanted it in before Christmas.
Not pictured: 12 hours of having my head stuck in a fireplace. The cloud of shite that covered me when the closure board came off is one of the most disgusting things I've ever experienced. Also not pictured: the small fan I bodged into the flue to try and get a draught going so I didn't get too much cancer from the lime/cement/HCl fumes.
Squirrel though