• #2827
Not sure if this'll work, as it's the FT and behind their paywall, but this is worth a read. Don't think I agree with any of it, but it's one possible future path;
• #2828
If that link doesn't work, this is the tweet I saw the link on;
• #2829
Oh my, imagine having to deal with Hopkins (and Robinson) on a day to day basis in this position.
• #2830
Rubbish ;)
• #2832
That's not what I wrote - that's what I was quoting. FWIW, I agree with you. Corbyn has been desperately unpopular amongst a large section of the electorate. It's hardly surprising if Labour MPs have the temerity to point that out.
• #2833
So replace Corbyn with one of his mates? Feels like Burgon and his supporters may have missed the election results
Edit -oooooh... I read it a bit more now. Nevermind
• #2834
Anyone else make a killing on the surge of the pound last night...
A killing, no, but I did OK. Helped soften the blow.
• #2835
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• #2836
Talk about shootng yourself in the face.
• #2837
Maybe it was all worthwhile for this
• #2838
• #2839
It's all just got to the point where it's all too much to fool yourself that you're an optimist anymore, right?
• #2840
This person is very optimistic... Sure it's possible to have some elements, but there's a whiff of cherry picking (EU services in a special deal? lol) and Johnson would have to stop validating the nastiness and xenophobia of Brexit and the GE.
• #2841
Oh yes. Let’s not forget that fucking backstabbing motherfucker.
• #2842
If you’re also bored of the “IT’S aLl cORbYNS faULt hE’s a wEaK LeAdEr”
• #2843
Ban the internet
• #2844
Are you posting this ironically?
Nothing to do with the four year long onslaught by the press that turned Corbyn from someone who was a bit scruffy into a radical demagogue. Not even a mention of it. Articles like that make me wonder if these journalists have actually ever stepped outside of London and spoken to regular people. It doesn’t take long before you hear countless people regurgitating the same untrue Daily Express, Telegraph, Sun and Mail headlines verbatim.
If people are really going to swallow that one dimensional narrative without even acknowledging the part that misinformation has played since Corbyn became leader and during this election campaign -
they photoshopped Diane Abbot’s fucking shoe on election day- then we really are doomed. -
• #2845
If only he'd been more moderate, though, the press would have been fairer.
1 Attachment
• #2846
His surname is actually Freedland
• #2847
I’m not sure they did photoshop her shoe https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/diane-abbott-shoes/
She also posted a photo herself of mismatching shoes on twitter, not that it matters one bit.
• #2848
Some people love the strong leadership talk.
I've no idea if that means they have less empathy (no doubt studies have been done?) but yeah, empathetic leader wasn't first on the list either.
Silver lining is lots of activists and grass roots groups have formed, seeing other fighting the good fight at least cheers me up.
But yeah it's a shitty day...
• #2849
Jonathan Freedman's column is very good.
Remarkable, inventive even, I’ll give it that. Is he a London based Remainer by any chance?
I think it’s fair to say that Corbyn and McDonnald lost credibility across the board (including regarding the NHS) in the eyes of many Leavers because Labour were set to overturn the referendum result. Corbyn was seen as weak because he capitulated to Remainers in his party.
How is this mistrust not about Brexit?
And that just leaves his dislike for Corbs. Which isn’t an argument.
• #2850
This meme ... dark humour is my therapy right now. Thank you.
I get influenced by @amey.