After about a week, my ServiceNow ticket finally got assigned to someone useful. I lugged the 24kg behemoth to the other building yesterday afternoon and got an email after lunch saying it was ready, so I went and lugged it all the way back again. It has handles, but they're not comfortable.
Windows Experience Index of 7.8, but I'm not sure how high that scale goes.
Now that I've logged in on it, I have to wait a few days for it to appear as one of my machines in the software requesting system. Can't get much done with only Office 2016 and a chat client.
After about a week, my ServiceNow ticket finally got assigned to someone useful. I lugged the 24kg behemoth to the other building yesterday afternoon and got an email after lunch saying it was ready, so I went and lugged it all the way back again. It has handles, but they're not comfortable.
Windows Experience Index of 7.8, but I'm not sure how high that scale goes.
Now that I've logged in on it, I have to wait a few days for it to appear as one of my machines in the software requesting system. Can't get much done with only Office 2016 and a chat client.
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