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  • My childcare costs are £2,700 per month. That's two kids in different nurseries, the younger one costs £1,784 and the older one is subsidised so costs just under £1,000. Both are local to our house.

    The private nursery, that will take a baby from 3 months is run by an American company called Bright Horizons and they make an obscene amount of money every year.

    There are no state options for babies under 12 months and very very few for children under 2.

    We are worse off (financially) with my wife back at work but taking a 5 year career break for her would be the same as having never worked.

  • Bright Horizons

    Yup! They bought out the small nursery chain where our son was. Very good quality but very, very, very expensive. And they staff made fuck all apart from the constant cash in hand babysitting jobs for parents. No idea where that money goes.


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