So sure that’s a bit of a pisstake my feeling is to put in an offer to secure the house and then to bring the price down once in exclusivity
Obviously your issue there is you don't really have exclusivity. If you try and do that without good reason then they may just tell you to piss off and go back to the other buyer. The market isn't moving that quick, there's a pretty good chance that the other will still be looking.
Update to the above is:
Vendor had an accepted offer in the summer, cash buyer etc. They had until yesterday to agree to exchange and they haven’t.
There’s now two bids on the house ours and another both at the price accepted of the original offer. Unsurprisingly the EA has asked us for our best and final. So sure that’s a bit of a pisstake my feeling is to put in an offer to secure the house and then to bring the price down once in exclusivity. I think that is different to chipping the price because I’m fairly sure this is just the EA playing sillybuggers. But keen to know thoughts of others?