From memory it was an estimate by a charity based on the number of Iraqi soldiers deployed to the Sadam line who didn't return to their families. They contested that the ~450 figure was based on a count of visible body parts sticking out of the sand. A full excavation was never conducted, let alone by the USA to come to the ~450 figure.
I'm sure it's a bullshit high estimate but the point is that the ~459 figure is clearly an underestimate.
In the same way that the US official death toll for the Highway of Death is lower than even the photos that western journalists took of corpses in the vehicles because the US publically stated that they were sure that everybody ran away when the attack started. The US claim 200 deaths, independent assessors claim closer to 1,000.
The whole thing stinks. I didn't even realise until yesterday that the US have recently admitted to exposing their own troops to Sarin and VX, telling them at the time that their chemical sensors were faulty and false alarms. War Crimes against the Iraqis, war Crimes against their own men.
Whose independent estimate is this? I've never heard of any evidence of a figure anywhere near as high as 4000.