So the furballs went back to the new vets today, looks like the red swelling is going down on both cats gums. Different vet tho. So each day I have been cleaning their teeth. So things are looking up. Looking to change their food from mixture of wet food twice a day (Royal Canin Instinctive) well a 85g pouch between them, and the usual nuggets of royal canin exigent are going to be changed to dental nuggets.
Another visit in a months time will see hopefully see that redness has all gone so all will be good to go.
So the furballs went back to the new vets today, looks like the red swelling is going down on both cats gums. Different vet tho. So each day I have been cleaning their teeth. So things are looking up. Looking to change their food from mixture of wet food twice a day (Royal Canin Instinctive) well a 85g pouch between them, and the usual nuggets of royal canin exigent are going to be changed to dental nuggets.
Another visit in a months time will see hopefully see that redness has all gone so all will be good to go.