b) you couldn't watch a video in "full screen" mode as it would attempt to span both monitors
I don't understand this
Sorry, mixed up brain.
you couldn't watch a video in "full screen" mode as it would attempt to span the whole ultra wide monitor.
(At least in days of old) you couldn't full screen something like Youtube and be able to do anything on the rest of the monitor (with the spare space). With two separate monitors when you full screen something it only takes up one that monitor, you can continue to work (or full screen something else) on the other monitor as in my pic above.
Yes, two things that turned me away from a single ultra wide monitor:-
a) they usually cost more than twice what a double monitor setup would be
b) you couldn't watch a video in "full screen" mode as it would attempt to span both monitors
I use dual 23" Dell Ultrasharp monitors at home ('scuse the mess) although this setup is coming up for 4 years old:-