surely as the guy figure heading this and running the show he gets ultimate credit for the success and failures, the same is true of any company...
i also doubt that his "little helpers" are putting the efforts they are putting in out of the goodness of their hearts and are being rewarded for their work otherwise they'd just leave..
is he claiming that he could do what he does without his employees?
surely as the guy figure heading this and running the show he gets ultimate credit for the success and failures, the same is true of any company...
As a company CEO, yes. Not as a fucking tech guru.
i also doubt that his "little helpers" are putting the efforts they are putting in out of the goodness of their hearts and are being rewarded for their work otherwise they'd just leave..
Not the point. But while we're on that topic, they are actually being rewarded relatively badly for their work, especially once you take into account overtime and 'crunch'. If you want to dig up some dirt on how he runs his companies, there's plenty of stuff out there. He absolutely exploits the enthusiasm and energy of new graduates who haven't learned yet how to properly value themselves and their work.
is he claiming that he could do what he does without his employees?
Also not the point. This is about how he's being presented as some kind of space tech Jesus, and he just isn't.
I'll never understand this. To be fair, a lot of tech blogs etc. are also completely uncritically pushing that narrative, but still. Most of his 'ideas' are either shit, or not actually his ideas, or both. Not to mention that he is constantly seen as the personal embodiment of everything that his companies have built, as if the umpteen actual engineers working overtime were merely his little helpers.
What drives me really crazy though is his Hyperloop and even more his 'Loop' bullshit. I understand why it's popular in the US, it can't get much more American than the 'Loop', but the number of 'journalists' parroting the claimed benefits and numbers without any critical thinking at all is insane.
This is all completely independent of any character issues he might have, those are on top of this.