Punctured on the way in and struggled through a tyre change due to stupid tubeless rims/freezing cold/hands that don't work properly after much demolition sledge hammering yesterday. Tyre back on and pumped up and on removing my screw on mini pump it also removed the core. Four fucking times. Stupidly picked up non-specialized inner tube. Thankfully saved by helpful guy with gas. Still not properly warm again though, was toasty pre-puncture.
Punctured on the way in and struggled through a tyre change due to stupid tubeless rims/freezing cold/hands that don't work properly after much demolition sledge hammering yesterday. Tyre back on and pumped up and on removing my screw on mini pump it also removed the core. Four fucking times. Stupidly picked up non-specialized inner tube. Thankfully saved by helpful guy with gas. Still not properly warm again though, was toasty pre-puncture.