Glad you are OK! If you were coming from Blackheath into the main south entrance of the park (Duke Humphrey road), I had a very similar experience a few years ago, in the morning at the same time of year. In my case I narrowly got across the front of a coach coming from the left who just didn't see me - he must have missed my back wheel by inches. Not that it's any excuse, but I think the low morning sun in winter coming across the heath (or even just the brightness when cloudy) is in exactly the place where it blinds drivers coming from that left/west side from seeing people entering the roundabout from the south side ... a totally innocuous looking little mini-roundabout that is in fact potentially very dangerous at this time of year. I recall that adrenaline rush too...
Very nearly had a "Rider Down" thread dedicated to myself this morning.
Approaching roundabout entering Greenwich Park and nothing coming from my right so my right of way, pick up truck coming from left but he has to stop right....right?!?! Grab a handful of brakes as he shows no sign of slowing down and he misses my front wheel by inches, my shout obviously startled him into life as he then decides to brake (after passing me) to skid to a stop 5 metres or so past me.
Now I am a confident rider and I rarely think of cycling as a dangerous way to commute but this really made me think if I'd have reacted 1 second later there's a very real chance I would have been, well, killed.
After the adrenaline has worn off slightly I'm so angry that whatever reason he decided not to stop (not paying attention or deciding he wasn't going to stop for a bloody cyclist) he could have wrecked the lives of my wife/children!
Not even sure what the point of this post is (and I know everyone obviously does their best not to be killed just going to work) but be careful out there folks.