• "You're going to end up in a wooden box". As I don't appreciate receiving death threats

    That doesn't sound like a death threat to me, more the usual expression of concern à la 'you ride so badly you'll end up dead as a consequence of your own actions'. It's obviously not innocent in that way; while I didn't see the incident in question, it sounds to me as if he wanted to transfer any possible blame about what might happen onto you. Was he honking and shouting before you got in front of the bus (i.e., as a result of the situation you encountered), or because you appeared on his nearside?

  • You weren't there, man ;)

    He was very very aggressive. It could have been taken either way. I ride away from most things but this was bad

    Of course, I don't doubt that for one minute. I have only your account to go on, and the way you rendered what he said made me think that it didn't sound like a death threat but like the usual patronising assumption that drivers know best and can tell riders about what they're doing wrong. There is often an implicit threat in this, as in: if I don't hit you, some other driver will, and it'll be your fault.
