View from the brolly with obligatory rodtip robin. One good take skillfully completely missed so far. The rods are Wychwood barbel 1.75s, which will land any carp swimming in snag-free waters. Reels are Shimano ST6000RB baitrunners, faultless for around £60 each.
Keep at it. The only 3 carp I've caught have been on a 1.75TC rod and it was certainly a thrill! If you're targeting barbel, do you have to 'strike', or is that not too important?
View from the brolly with obligatory rodtip robin. One good take skillfully completely missed so far. The rods are Wychwood barbel 1.75s, which will land any carp swimming in snag-free waters. Reels are Shimano ST6000RB baitrunners, faultless for around £60 each.