In NI wages are much lower, and rent etc. is reasonable so it is do-able. But no doubt there are areas in the UK with low wages (compared to median/average) and high living costs... and London has high wages but very high rents.
It's not helped by the fact that quite a large proportion of people in high wage jobs are able to work remotely most of the time. When this happens you get London wages and cheap living costs. I've seen it in our offices where it's gone from most people being in the office 4 or 5 days a week and living within 20 miles of central London to people rarely being in the office and living up to 400 miles away (Cornwall, Coventry, Brussels, etc). Yet the salaries have not changed.
It's not necessarily a London/not-London thing in terms of wages once you start to get to jobs at the higher end of the salary scale.
High earners are an easy and often deserved target, but imho the real problem is the huge skew in the income band in the UK. Many more people are below the median than above and a smaller group of high income payers (top 25% of income band, off the top of my head) carry most of the tax load.
No doubt Labour is going to try to address that too? I hope it is not just easy soundbites.
In NI wages are much lower, and rent etc. is reasonable so it is do-able. But no doubt there are areas in the UK with low wages (compared to median/average) and high living costs... and London has high wages but very high rents.