• Are you sure it's from the 90s? In the 80s most (all?) Peugeots had French-threaded BBs, in the 90s I think you can have either French or BSA.

    Also, HT2 > GXP.

    EDIT: the switch from French to BSA may have occurred in the mid-80s.

  • @Lolo Is there a way to find out? to be honest i am a little bit of a noob at this,
    If it is mixed HT2 will be ok?

    If it is 80s and French BB, would i still get a way with newer BB? if so which BB?
    Apologies for the questions.

  • Post a picture. If it's French -threaded you won't be able to fit outboard bearings, you'll need to stick to a French square taper BB.
