Interesting, guess my low battery is maybe just from this drain then.
So many fuses, also canbus type modules that stay powered up for ages, suspect it might be the recon alternator diode pack is maybe not 100% as it seems to be pretty constant. Turbo is coming out tomorrow and alt is right under it (absolute arse to get to from underneath without just removing it) so thats my time to check it.
I see a lot of ford focus (2005-2010 shape) with the ODO still lit up at night, some mad canbus issue probably causing that too!
Epic, thanks!
Will possibly pick your brains about how to get inside various parts of it, figured you might have been in behind all the trim at this point, easier than me smashing my way through all the clips. Have a low/medium parasitic drain that I haven't found yet, as well as it doesn't charge that well (13.6 to 13.8v instead of 14v+) despite previous putting a new starter, battery and recon alternator on it.