Imagine trying to get past one of these doing a top speed of 15mph as it blocks the cycle lane. I reckon they'd get very unpopular very quickly.
Rickshaws are already a badly ridden (driven?), dangerous pain in the arse and I can't see why these would be any different.
rickshaws are overpriced novelty rides for tourists, are too wide, too slow, and not properly regulated. It's an obvious comparison but I think this project avoids the problems with rickshaws.
As for dealing with lots of cycle traffic travelling at 15mph: I already deal with slow boris bike riders, cargo bike riders, parents with trailers and child seats. Normalising cycle traffic at a moderate speed is a Good Thing. If I want to do 20+ mph I don;t use the cycle lane.
For a long time I was annoyed at cycle infrastructure, segregated lanes catering for slower cycle traffic. Then I realised it wasn;t for me. It's to encourage new cyclists. I've ridden in London my whole life, can keep up with traffic, can deal with busy junctions. I'd rather deal with a slow moving bike than stinking taxi gridlock.
I'm not a big fan of black cabs but these would be a nightmare for cyclists, especially this bit:
Imagine trying to get past one of these doing a top speed of 15mph as it blocks the cycle lane. I reckon they'd get very unpopular very quickly.
Rickshaws are already a badly ridden (driven?), dangerous pain in the arse and I can't see why these would be any different.