It's just another tech firm trying to muscle in on a very crowded market. The main problem for this sort of initiative is that the legal backing is just not there, see the 'rickshaw wars' of the last twenty years. London has historic legislation that governs its Hackney carriages in particular. I'm not saying it's a bad initiative, but they shouldn't start with the cabs themselves; that's the easy bit. They need to start with work on legislative reforms that enables this kind of business to thrive. The rickshaw operators have been trying to do this for a long time, but it needs to be done at a higher level than what they've been capable of.
I've just donated to this plan for electric assist cycle taxis in London. Could really improve our air quality and congestion. Any thoughts?
"Quicab's extraordinary 'taxi-cycle' has the potential to revolutionise door-to-door serviced travel in our congested cities whilst making better use of space, reducing air pollution and providing employment.
Everything about Quicab suggests 'taxi' - its appearance and then the sense of being chauffeured swiftly along city streets to arrive at your destination fresh faced and unruffled in your best business outfit.
Yet the difference is this - Quicab is, well, Quicker. Even at its sedate top speed of 15mph you feel whisked along - using cycleways to bypass traffic jams, legally permitted to travel the 'wrong way' along many City one way streets, and able to go through the cycle gaps provided in road closures. Permeability is key to Quickness, and Quicab takes full advantage. Quicker journeys completed, more passengers carried. The taxi has come of age.
With rising awareness of climate change, air pollution and the effects of congestion in expanding cities, the Quicab offers the prospect of a revolution in personal taxi travel. This includes, of course, employment opportunities for riders and maintenance staff. Passengers are not the only customers - With anchors for cargo-nets, Quicab is able to carry freight, too."