• #4377
Oh well, I stuck it on there. It's better than nothing. I don't have a shower here so if it's raining heavy nowadays I just WFH or get the Tube.
• #4378
My front mudguard sits a little high (too much gape between gender and top of tyre). The bridge is at maximum extension. Any ideas where I can get a slotted washer/extender or a bridge with a longer connector? Guards are sks stingray.TIA
• #4379
Problem Solvers Fender Flute.
• #4380
if you have a 3d printer https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2081122
• #4381
Anyone know where I can buy Velo Orange Zepellin 700c x 52mm in Black in the UK?
Otherwise, does anyone know if these - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Portland-Design-Works-Poncho-Fenders/dp/B01KU8JGJW/ref=asc_df_B01KU8JGJW/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=205165799987&hvpos=1o4&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2175292752653214442&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006886&hvtargid=pla-569348695654&psc=1&th=1&psc=1 will fit a 38mm Gravelking slick?
• #4382
My old pdw city fit a 38c voyager hyper under them, they were 45mm too. It was tight but worked. Pic up thread somewhere.
• #4383
This is amazing. Thanks.
• #4384
Great, thanks.
• #4386
I've spent most of today trying to fit 35mm SKS bleumels to my Caad4. I think I should have gone for a bigger size, I had to swap the 28c tyres on there for 25c and I still can't get the rear to stop rubbing at the brake bridge. Might need to go down to 23c. Gave up so currently just have the front guard fitted.
• #4387
First time trying to fit full guards and now I 100% understand why everyone hates it.
• #4388
A bigger size likely wouldn't solve this imo, the guards are actually a little too big, and therefore pinching together at the bridge and causing the rub. I've dremelled mine to sort it, but some sks guards (raceblades i think) come with bridge-bits cos they're designed for road bikes. I think @Ecobeard might have made one for his winter bike possibly
• #4389
Not sure if it was the same 'guard but I had a royal fuckabodge with the rear on the Rourke.
I had to trim the guard back as @alialias say, then 'manually adjust' the plastic bridge mount to make it fit and take 25's.
Worked in the end and definitely added value, so its a solid investment in swearing.
• #4390
and now you've done it once, it'll be a lot easier the next time.
• #4391
They were definitely too small to fit over the 28c tyres I had on originally. Even when not attached to the bike they barely fit over. Pinching from the frame might be the issue now that I've changed the tyres though.
• #4392
Well, I've half done it. My feet will be dry but my arse will be wet.
• #4393
Post commute update: my feet are dry and my arse is wet.
• #4394
cheapest place to buy GB guards?
• #4395
Pretty sure it's SJS.
• #4396
Excellent news
• #4397
Suffered a critical fracture of my Blumels yesterday, in the area I'd drilled for attaching it to the rear stay. They've lasted a fair time, but is this where a rubber o-ring between guard and frame may reduce likelihood of a repeat?
1 Attachment
• #4398
Definitely would help, along with making sure there's no tension on that point when you're installing.
• #4399
I got some off eBay (new) for £40 earlier in the year.
Mind you they turned up in barely any packaging but they look legit. (Was UK stock too)
• #4400
Is anyone running VO hammered or smooth guards in 700x45 over 40c tyres? For some reason they only seem to offer 52mm size in the ‘zeppelin’ which I don’t think will look right on a modern bike, but hard to tell what they actually look like from stock pictures.
What are the alternatives for a nice pair in that price point? I want black ones of course.
It'll struggle quite a bit I suspect. The majority comes from the centre, but there's still an unpleasant amount coming from the side and general misty spray. Also, will be easily overwhelmed if you go through a puddle.
I might have a 45 you can have though, lemme check the shed.