The issue I find (not using pihole but using a custom hosts file which I believe it's effectively the same thing) is that sometimes a vital element of a site is broken because it's blocked or certain things (Facebook messenger for instance) don't run because they're blocked but it's not particularly obvious.
I'd be wary about having everything going through pihole unless everybody using the internet is aware of it and how to resolve the issues it may cause.
I'd be wary about having everything going through pihole unless everybody using the internet is aware of it and how to resolve the issues it may cause.
Maybe I'm missing something on my noob setup, but when a device connects I have to set it up with a static IP and enter the Pi-hole's DNS. So in my head a user can always just go back to the default settings.
Is this incorrect?
@fettled_nuts - I used this guide:
...and bought my pi zero w from here:
...and this cheap but excellent little case:
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SB-Components-Protective-Raspberry-Pi-Zero-W-Case-Cover-Clear/253189557375?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649I'm a very basic user and found it all pretty easy. First install of the pi-hole software failed. So I rebooted and tried again, which worked. I'm just using all the simple default settings as I haven't had the headspace to do more, and it sped pages up. I added the OLED display, which makes it a longer project, but again not hard. (I bought the display from aliexpress for about £3)
My understanding of how they work, and I expect someone will come along to correct this is that you'll get access as the website doesn't know you're not receiving the ads. The pihole acts a bit like a DNS filter and sends a fake address to the ad server so the ad doesn't even get downloaded (a blackhole for ads if you will), however the request for the ad still occurs.
This is different to how an adblocker works which would download all the ads locally but just not display them. I think a lot of websites that won't load as a result of running an adblocker use javascript to identify it. Websites that have a 'please donate' type thing where an ad would have been have probably coded this to always load under the ad that would be shown.