I think the Green's can't have that many seats they really think they are going to win - but would like to start getting more of a base - and Stroud makes sense for that as it has a surprising hippy/eco vibe.
Are they really going to pinch seats off Labour? I doubt it. The greens can perhaps pinch one more seat this way - Isle of Wight perhaps...could equally help labour in that seat if they take conservative votes that can't abide Corbyn, while leavers are split between cons and bxp.
It's the Lib Dems that will really gain from this. Tory/Lib Dem swing seats where the Lib Dems can mop up a few% who would have been tempted to go Green. If they did this last time round, they would have won my seat.
I imagine the Green's will have asked for some other influence at a party level too. They will be challenging the LDs to be more ambitious on climate change related issues as part of this deal. Perhaps in the long run, the FPTP system will be better served if an existing major party becomes the de facto Green Party, rather than waiting for the parliamentary arithmetic to catch up - that could take decades.
It will be interesting to see the analysis of the seats. It looks like they're targeting at least one Labour seat (Stroud) which was won over the Tories by 600 votes. There's strategic voting and then there's this.