Just with a basic knog lock around the rear wheel and frame.
Less than 5 mins in the shop but that’s obviously More than enough time for most locks
Annoyingly I’ve been waiting for my partner to return my d-lock after having borrowed it and no one was at the cctv/security booth they have at the front of the shop
Less than 5 mins in the shop but that’s obviously More than enough time for most locks
Only if you run into a gang in a van. Most non-cable locks can't be cracked in that time unless people have massive bolt croppers with them (and even then, it depends on where it is on the bike). But yes, cable locks are basically worse than useless even if a less well-equipped thief comes along.
Do report the theft to police even if they can't follow it up. Every report reveals the true scale of the problem, and one reason why enforcement effort against bike theft has long been stop-start, despite great efforts by good police officers, is because there is so much non-reporting.
Sorry to hear that. How was it locked? Were you in there just for a shop or was it left for longer?