• #202
Thanks all for another pleasurable season! And for the collective effort of posting threads, making the rides happen, etc.
As for what's next, we are welcome as always to West Birthdays Drinks in a little over ten days on the 14th of November in Ealing, and it could be nice to put together a ride heading there from central London. I will put up an event in due time or perhaps spam the West thread with organisation details.
And two weeks after that will be the much-anticipated end-of-season dinner. After talks in the pub following the season closer, it has been decided that the dinner should be held atop Highgate Hill in North London, and occur after a Death TT. Participation in the Death TT will not be mandatory, although strongly encouraged.
Date and location have not been fully determined as of yet.
The Gate House could be used but other options will be considered as long as they are not The Flask and reasonably near the top of the Hill.
The date could be Tuesday the 26th of November as it would nicely coincide with the North Drinks, but it could equally fall on Wednesday the 27th or Thursday the 28th (after all, ThNRC used to be WNKR, and TNRC before that). Chiefly we would like to settle on a date that allows @youramericanlover to put in an appearance.
• #203
Excellent facilitation! Count me in for all of the above.
• #205
Now that is leadership, some strong and stable compassionate scheduling. Thurs the 28th is perfect for me. Can't wait!
• #206
Thanks guys! Thread is up: https://www.lfgss.com/events/5127
Please fill in the list as I'd like to have a table booked as soon as possible.
• #207
Due to both Dans complaining about the date at the same time this has been moved forward one day, on Wednesday the 27th of November.
• #208
Thread is up: https://www.lfgss.com/events/5113
It's tomorrow, tomorrow!