Yes, it's anyone's guess how it would work out in practice. It seems from the illustrations that they're planning deep-reaching light shafts around the perimeter of the square, but with a few exceptions the history of underground malls isn't that great. It would need the right mix of uses to be busy at all times, but if you were to put a few nightclubs in, for instance, you'd end up with a lot of closed shops and only a few places open in the evening, which wouldn't look too attractive.
Still, they would probably get their money back in if it was used as a setting for a James Bond film and millions of tourists wanted to visit it after that.
A very interesting application here:
No mention of retaining any car parking in the location, which is obviously easy to reach by public transport.
Equally obviously, concentrating more retail in Central London is yet more over-centralisation.
I assume 'healthcare' will be exclusively private.