Funny you say that. A while back my dad wanted to have a pair of shoes made and went to Lobb. They just mumbled something and ignored him.
C&J on the other hand were brilliant and he has ended up going back regularly. I got my wedding shoes there and the assistant brought multiple pairs of the same shoes to get the best colour match to the buttons on my jacket.
Trickers were also nice, but C&J were definitely on another level.
I visited the C&J store here in New York yesterday and totally agree. I had no intention of buying anything.... even so, service was far better than any other shoe shop I’d been into here. Really polite. Nice shop layout. Shoes displayed well. Good lighting. Would like a pair.
When I visited Alden I definitely got the ‘he’s not buying anything look’ and not even a smile or hello.
I went to Cheaney, Churches and Crocket and Jones today, ended up with a cocktail from Church and some shoes (and matching belt) from C&J.
What was interesting was that the service in Churches was the least impressive, but the shoes the most expensive - £570 for the pair I was considering.
C&J had by some margin the best service, Cheaney was good but not equal to C&J.
The shoes I ended up with I'm going to wear inside for a while, as they have a three month return and exchange policy which should mean that I have a degree of insurance on whether or not I got the correct size (my feet at a 9 in length, a 9.5-10 in width, and very square across the toes, I basically have flippers).