Switched battery on a old iPhone about a year ago or so, worked fine and was happy about the increased capacity, basically it's still doing well - only when exposed to the cold (having phone in pocket while cycling for half an hour in 5°C weather for example) seems to fuck the battery up -
in a way that it still shows, say, 35% - but then drops dead all of a sudden and refuses to switch back on even after warming it up for a while.
My question is (as I have a second, identical, unused ("Hagnaven") battery here) - would it be worth swapping the battery out for the fresh one, or would this behave the same way likely, as the kind of battery just "can't handle the cold"?
Switched battery on a old iPhone about a year ago or so, worked fine and was happy about the increased capacity, basically it's still doing well - only when exposed to the cold (having phone in pocket while cycling for half an hour in 5°C weather for example) seems to fuck the battery up -
in a way that it still shows, say, 35% - but then drops dead all of a sudden and refuses to switch back on even after warming it up for a while.
My question is (as I have a second, identical, unused ("Hagnaven") battery here) - would it be worth swapping the battery out for the fresh one, or would this behave the same way likely, as the kind of battery just "can't handle the cold"?