I'm the same, it feels like paying for nothing, you never get to own it. Like renting v. buying. Plus I like physical music for the artwork etc.
My current set up is every time I buy a CD I put it in my Mac, then it gets added to iTunes and Google Play Music Manager then automatically uploads the MP3s to Play Music, which is a bit like my own personal cloud streaming service.
Only problem is that Google Play Music Manager isn't supported on the new version of MacOS and iTunes doesn't exist but I'm not very minded to upgrade at the moment anyway.
Fair enough, I have a few friends who feel the same. Personally I love it. I don’t like the clutter of having a lot of physical possessions and I listen to so many artists I never would have discovered otherwise.
I do agree that the trend for every single thing we interact with moving over to a subscription model can fuck right off though. Music, TV and video games I enjoy but it can get out of hand.
You could always give the 3 month Apple Music free trial a go. Find some melancholy music to listen to while you copy all those CDs 😉
Little people and a busy life, surely just ditch the CD’s altogether and embrace the convenience of streaming services?