Lifted some insulation to get some wiring redone before topping up insulation and overboarding. The old stuff between joists was obviously there before the roof was redone and is covered with crap. Is it worth replacing this with new while I'm at it? Seems like it may be compromised by being compressed/dirty.
We had similar, ancient insulation. Not very effective. Got chaps in to board part of the loft and put in a ladder after laying more insulation over the top. It’s too messy to take out the old. All advice I found online was just to put new over the top (at right angles). House noticeably warmer!
Lifted some insulation to get some wiring redone before topping up insulation and overboarding. The old stuff between joists was obviously there before the roof was redone and is covered with crap. Is it worth replacing this with new while I'm at it? Seems like it may be compromised by being compressed/dirty.
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