They weigh about the same, mine's probably a bit lighter - V4s tend to be a juicier as the rear cylinders run hotter and the EFI will be programmed accordingly. He also just stuck a loud pipe on it and I'm fairly sure it's running mega rich. So much for modern tech though, eh?
Lovely bike, nevertheless. Sounds incredible. I would.
His has one of the SC project cans. It sounds epic, and shoots flames out with a proper crack on the quick shifter. Probably where all the gas is going!
They weigh about the same, mine's probably a bit lighter - V4s tend to be a juicier as the rear cylinders run hotter and the EFI will be programmed accordingly. He also just stuck a loud pipe on it and I'm fairly sure it's running mega rich. So much for modern tech though, eh?
Lovely bike, nevertheless. Sounds incredible. I would.