Perhaps we need a list and a scoring system?
And a time frame. Let's go with post second world war
How about:
The UK since 1945
Things that have happened under a Labour government
Mismanaging the marshall plan money
Union power
Criminalisation of Young People
Dismantling of the legal system
Increase of erroneous state power/civil liberties
Things that have happened under a Conservative government
The Miners Strikes
The EU
Moar dismantling of the legal system
Pron database
GCHQ spying
and not to leave the lib dems out
Things that have happened under a coalition government
Tuition fees
The list of party achievements is more complicated than you might think. For example joining the EEC (EU) was begun by the Tories, second application was by Labour, third application was begun by Labour and completed by Tories under Heath.
Perhaps we need a list and a scoring system?
And a time frame. Let's go with post second world war
How about:
The UK since 1945
Things that have happened under a Labour government
Mismanaging the marshall plan money
Union power
Criminalisation of Young People
Dismantling of the legal system
Increase of erroneous state power/civil liberties
Things that have happened under a Conservative government
The Miners Strikes
The EU
Moar dismantling of the legal system
Pron database
GCHQ spying
and not to leave the lib dems out
Things that have happened under a coalition government
Tuition fees